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  • 2022.09.29 05:00
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Why Did the Vinyl Boom Hit Some Cultures More Than Others?

In recent years, the demand for vinyl in America has boomed to the point of records and turntables popping up in places we wouldn't expect to find them, like clothing stores. Much of this renewed interest in vinyl, it's said, stems from the fetishization of what's retro, the joys of collecting, and the tactile pleasures that digital music can't deliver.

But this trend hasn't quite hit South Korea. There are some vinyl shops, and you can find a few models of turntables to buy, but they're usually caked with dust and sprinkled with dead insects; South Korea's throwback to retro seems a tiny fraction of its RPM in the U.S. Why is that?

One explanation is the cultural place of technology. Korea is tech-forward and innovation-obsessed because it's a tiny and cramped country without many natural resources: Tech doesn't require acres of space to develop -- and doesn't take up much space at all in our homes. Plus, electronics companies are responsible for a massive slice of Korea's economy. Naturally, it's a place where people are more interested in the latest gadgets than dusting off their grandparents' toys. Koreans tend to prioritize functionality and efficiency over sentimentality and delicacy.

Moreover, the threat alongside its borders has washed over Korea an atmosphere of tension and seriousness that sees nostalgic pastimes as unnecessary and fettering. According to the tight-loose theory, countries with "territorial threats" or "fewer natural resources" tend to have "tighter" cultures that are less open to new ideas.

Another explanation is that Koreans and Americans listen to different music, and they listen differently. For K-pop listeners -- think BTS fans -- the music often takes a backseat entirely to the artists' personas: They love to follow what their favorite singers wear, eat, and where they travel. And unlike Americans who still value the idea of the album, K-pop fans mostly listen to playlists of handpicked songs. This way of enjoying music defeats the purpose of vinyl. And because Korea's music scene is K-pop dominated -- contrarily to America's more diverse one -- this applies to most Koreans.

Most would agree that vinyl has a certain charm that digital files lack. It's no wonder how it made such an impressive comeback in a country like the U.S., where the culture has the leeway for delicacies like records and turntables. But this trend hasn't taken off in Korea yet, because for many Koreans, who live in a culture that's obsessed with innovation and efficiency, the merits of vinyl simply don't outweigh the impracticalities, especially when much more convenient alternatives are mere taps away.

But who knows? Perhaps there will come a day in Korea when people will draw their
music from a record sleeve instead of their pocket.

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